硬質合金或硬質塗層旨在為切削頭和沖頭、銑刀或鑽頭等工具機提供可靠的磨損保護. 為了確保此類工具的品質和耐用性,必須對製造零件或塗覆零件的工程材料的成分、塗層厚度和表面硬度進行測試.
為此,費歇爾測量技術使用各種測量方法,例如能量色散X射線螢光分析例如,可靠地確定 TiN 塗層和其他硬金屬或碳化物塗層的性能.
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AN054 Determining the mechanical properties of hard coatings used on machining and milling tools
0.61 MB
AN059 Determining coating thickness on PVD-coated tools
0.47 MB
AN069 Measuring the thickness of lubricants used in chipless metal processing
0.69 MB
AN079 Wear resistance of dies for production of coins
0.65 MB
AN081 Analysing cemented carbide alloys used for making cutting tools
0.50 MB
AN092 How to choose an XRF instrument
1.29 MB
AN093 XRF analysis for non-destructive coating thickness measurement in the field of cold forging
0.75 MB
AN094 XRF analysis with proportional counter tube – These are the advantages
0.36 MB