Helmut Fischer Vietnam Co. Ltd.
Helmut Fischer has two offices in Vietnam, with the first office opening in Ho Chi Minh City in 2018 and the second in Hanoi in 2019 to cover all markets in Vietnam.
Fischer in Vietnam.
Helmut Fischer Vietnam Co. Ltd. is the youngest subsidiary of the Helmut Fischer Group. At the beginning of 2018, Helmut Fischer Vietnam had just four employees. Within just five years, the company has grown to a total of 13 employees.
With our two locations, we are optimally positioned to supply customers with all high-quality Fischer products and services. Our strengths are the young organization and team spirit, which help us to grow the business and establish the Fischer brand in the Vietnamese market.
enthusiastic Team

You can find us here. Your Fischer branch onsite for you.

Helmut Fischer Vietnam Co. Ltd.
C0.01 Star Hill Residential Area, Tan Phu Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7
Ho Chi Minh City
Your personal contacts at a glance.
Would you like qualified advice? Our sales staff will be happy to help you.
Nguyen Van Tien
Location: District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam +84 36 3690 531tienvan.nguyen@helmut-fischer.comDoan Ngoc Hoa
Location: Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam +84 96 3477 568hoangoc.doan@helmut-fischer.comAre you interested in our measuring solutions? Our team will make you an attractive offer.
Our application laboratory is your point of contact for all questions relating to the application of the measuring device, such as measuring strategy, measuring task, feasibility study or suitable calibration standards.
Our team is your point of contact for everything from installation and commissioning to product training, inspection, calibration service and repair.
Field sales
Would you like qualified advice? Our sales staff will be happy to help you.
Nguyen Van Tien
Location: District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam +84 36 3690 531tienvan.nguyen@helmut-fischer.comDoan Ngoc Hoa
Location: Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam +84 96 3477 568hoangoc.doan@helmut-fischer.comInside sales
Are you interested in our measuring solutions? Our team will make you an attractive offer.
Application laboratory
Our application laboratory is your point of contact for all questions relating to the application of the measuring device, such as measuring strategy, measuring task, feasibility study or suitable calibration standards.
Our team is your point of contact for everything from installation and commissioning to product training, inspection, calibration service and repair.