Product may vary based on model or features

Play it safe with gold.

The special devices for mobile and non-destructive authenticity checks of gold, precious metals and coins.

In seconds distinguish
counterfeit from original
Possible measurement through
plastic packaging
Variable depths of indentation
suitable for the thickness of the object to be measured

Tactile authenticity check for gold and precious metals.

With the compact SIGMASCOPE® GOLD B and SIGMASCOPE® GOLD C handheld measuring gauges, you can reliably determine the authenticity of precious metals and thus detect counterfeits reliably and non-destructively. Distinguish counterfeit gold bars from pure gold, check large pieces of jewelry such as a pocket watch for authenticity or detect expensive counterfeits of the precious metal with the help of electrical capability. In short: you know immediately whether the object to be measured is genuine.

Suitable for the gold industry.

Prevents purchase of fake coins and gold bars

Easy to use.

Operation via high-contrast touchscreen display with user-friendly user interface

Well equipped.

Perfect complement to your Fischer XRF instrument

Your safety.

Distinguish between counterfeit and original in seconds

See what's behind.

Measure even through non-conductive cover layers like foil packaging

  • Features

      Measuring method: Phase-sensitive eddy current method

      Limit value monitoring via sound

      Probes available for a wide range of applications

      High-precision conductivity measurement in accordance with DIN 50994

      Variable depths of indentation suiting the thickness of the object to be measured

      Measured value memory: For a large number of measurements

      Measuring frequency: GOLD B: 100, 500 and 1,000 Hz / GOLD C: 15, 30, 60 and 120 kHz

      Simple data transfer via USB interface

      Measuring range: GOLD B: Gold bars from approx. 1 oz (31.1 g) - 1kg / GOLD C: Gold coins and bars up to approx. 100 g

  • Application examples


      • Non-destructive testing of gold bars from approx. 1 oz (31.1 g) to 1 kg
      • Detection of base inclusions (e.g. tungsten)



      • Non-destructive testing of gold coins and bars up to approx. 100 g
      • Testing the gold alloys of coins
      • Identification of commercially available precious metal coins such as Krugerrands, ducats etc. based on the specific conductivity values


      Do you have other applications? Then contact us!

Fischer Insights.

Measuring method.

Learn how the phase-sensitive eddy current method works.

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We offer you everything you need for reliable measurement results.

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