Wat is er nieuw bij ons?

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New Online Shop for the UK Market

Exciting news, UK customers! Explore our brand-new online shop at shop.fischerinstrumentation.co.uk. Enjoy a sleek, secure platform with real-time updates, various payment options, and…

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Fischer expands its product portfolio with photothermal measuring devices from Phototherm

Helmut Fischer GmbH as successful investor for measurement technology specialist Phototherm Dr. Petry GmbH

Helmut Fischer GmbH acquires measurement technology specialist Phototherm, expanding its product portfolio with photothermal coating thickness measurement.

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The TERASCOPE® revolutionizes the automated multilayer thickness measurement with terahertz waves

With the new TERASCOPE®, the Helmut Fischer Group is setting new standards in non-contact coating thickness measurement and material analysis of organic single and multilayers.

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New FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDV®-µ PCB and XDV®-µ WAFER from Fischer

Superior performance: The high-end series from Fischer impresses with new top performance

The FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDV®-µ series surpasses itself – Top technology for top performance.

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Persfoto_Dr. Martin Leibfritz

Dr. Martin Leibfritz in an interview with the magazine for surface technology on the annual outlook for 2024

The CEO of the Helmut Fischer Group looks back on a successful 2023 and highlights trends and challenges for 2024.

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Helmut Fischer Portret

Company founder Helmut Fischer has passed away

It is with great sadness that we take leave from our company founder Helmut Fischer, who passed away on December 9, 2023 at the age of 92 surrounded by his family.

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Nieuwe Fischer Events_Tag der Applikation und X-Ray Schulung

New Fischer events at the end of the year: Application Day and X-Ray Training

Become a measuring expert with our events in Sindelfingen and Gera in Germany.

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Innovative XRF inline solution analysis for metal concentration in electroplating baths

With their latest instrument innovation, the FISCHERSCOPE® XAN® LIQUID ANALYZER, the Helmut Fischer Group sets a new standard in the analysis of metal concentrations in electroplating baths.

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Helmut Fischer GmbH viert 70-jarige jubileum

Helmut Fischer GmbH celebrates 70th anniversary

The round birthday is not only an opportunity to look back on successful years, but also to look to the future with pride.

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