With measurement technology from Fischer, their composition can be precisely analyzed at any time. Volkswagen's global battery center also relies on proven measurement technology from Sindelfingen.
Electromobility is gaining momentum. One reason is the improved storage capacities of lithium-ion battery cells based on lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide (NMC). This leads to an increasing range, which is why electric cars are also becoming increasingly attractive for longer distances. Particularly critical and therefore important for the electrical properties as well as the reliability of these NMC battery cells is, among other things, the chemical composition of the mixed oxides mentioned. Their composition and other relevant cell properties can be reliably determined using Helmut Fischer's energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). Moreover, with special instruments of the FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDV®-µ series, it is possible to analyze the chemical composition spatially resolved on a microscopic scale.
Faster, reliable, accurate
The XDV-µ series instruments from Fischer form the high-end XRF series, designed for precise layer thickness measurement and material analysis on the smallest structures. Equipped with polycapillary optics, which results in high radiation intensity, measurement time is dramatically reduced compared to aperture optics. In addition to high spatial resolution, the XRF spectrometers also offer great flexibility for chemical analysis of multicomponent coatings, thickness measurements of complex coating systems, high sensitivity for trace detection, and the ability to measure ultrathin coatings.
This makes them ideal for process control in battery production, where measurements are made locally at conspicuous points to detect foreign elements and contamination. The goal is to achieve battery cells that are as homogeneous as possible, as these have a decisive influence on the reliability and aging of the batteries.
Also in Salzgitter, where the Volkswagen Group's global battery center is being built, the company already relies on precise and non-destructive XRF measurement technology from technology leader Helmut Fischer for process control and analysis. This offers a number of advantages over a scanning electron microscope with comparable measurement precision. Since no vacuum is required, the sample can be moved in such a way that large-area analyses are made possible by the automatic approach of measuring points. It also eliminates the need for time-consuming sample preparation.
Learn more about the FISCHERSCOPE X-RAY XDV-µ series at: www.helmut-fischer.com/xdv