On February 16, 2016, the Deutsches Museum in Munich was the backdrop for the meeting of two enthusiastic scientists: Giulia Enders, medical scientist and author of the book "Darm mit Charme" (Bowels with Charm), received the first Helmut Fischer Award for Science Communication.
The prize was awarded by the Helmut Fischer Foundation, whose namesake and founder is himself a researcher in the field of measurement technology. He established this prize for special achievements in the field of knowledge communication.
The Hall of Honor of the Deutsches Museum in Munich displays busts and paintings of important researchers from past centuries. In the company of deserving scientists such as Albert Einstein and Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen, Museum Director Wolfgang M. Heckl and Foundation Board President Kurt C. Reschucha presented the specially designed award. According to Heckl, the award winner, Giulia Enders, has an excellent ability to convey comprehensive knowledge in a very entertaining way. In a ten-minute Science Slam of Enders one would learn more than in so many one and a half hour specialized lecture.
Giulia Enders proved this right afterwards with an account of what excites her about this often taboo subject. Naturally, she read from her book and thus also inspired the audience, which consisted of employees of the Helmut Fischer company as well as friends and supporters of the German Museum and the Helmut Fischer Foundation.
Afterwards, Giulia Enders discussed the topic with the audience.
Afterwards, Enders, Reschucha, Heckl and renowned medical journalist Werner Bartens engaged in a lively discussion about communication in general and science communication in particular.
In conclusion, foundation chairman Kurt Reschucha emphasized that this award is not a one-time event, but that they look forward to meeting, honoring and supporting more talent in the field of science communication in the years to come.